Active Physical Therapy for Neck Pain

Neurological Physical Therapy​ Feb17th 2023

Physical therapy is primarily used to treat neck pain by improving the strength and flexibility of the neck. These objectives are best met with active exercises that target the neck and surrounding muscles, gradually increasing the workload over time. The type and quantity of exercises can vary, and activities to work in other body areas are sometimes included.

Types of Active Physical Therapy

Some common types of Active Physical Therapy for neck pain include:

  • Stretches and exercises for the neck. Various times and exercises may be prescribed to train the muscles that attach directly to the cervical spine. The chin tuck is the most common example, which involves looking forward (not up or down) and gently pulling the chin straight back.
  • Core and back strengthening. If physical therapy is recommended to improve neck strength and function, the back and core muscles around the trunk will likely benefit from strengthening. Furthermore, these muscle groups all work together to support the spine and improve posture.
  • Aerobic exercise. Blood flow and breathing levels increase as the heart and lungs work harder during the workout. Cycling on an upright or reclined bike, swimming with a mask and snorkel to eliminate neck rotation, and brisk walking are all examples of low-impact aerobic activities that do not jostle the spine.
  • Aquatic exercise. Some exercises can be done in the pool. Water’s buoyancy can help relieve pressure on the spine while allowing the muscles to work. Aquatic exercise may be recommended if the neck pain is severe or accompanied by the shoulder and back pain.

Depending on the patient’s specific therapy goals, these and other types of active physical therapy can be combined or used at different stages of the treatment plan.

Physical Therapy Goals for Neck Pain

The following are specific goals of physical therapy for neck pain:

  • Pain and stiffness should be reduced.
  • Increase the range of motion in your head and neck.
  • Develop dynamic neck and supporting musculature strengthening.
  • Create strategies to keep pain from recurring.

Even if pain cannot be eliminated, physical therapy can help improve neck posture and function for daily activities.

Active Physical Therapy's Potential Risks and Complications

A licensed physical therapist or other certified medical professional overseeing an active physical therapy program is usually safe, but it is not without risks. The following are some potential risks and complications to be aware of:

  • Pain and stiffness may worsen at first. It is usual for muscles to become sore and swollen after starting a new exercise routine. Starting a new physical therapy program slowly and gradually increasing the workouts in subsequent sessions can help alleviate pain and stiffness.
  • Improper technique may aggravate an existing injury or cause a new one. Overloading joints and soft tissues by performing exercises incorrectly can result in injury. It is critical to follow the instructions precisely.
  • Continuing treatment can be challenging. People frequently discontinue physical therapy too soon. For example, a treatment program may be planned for two months, but if the person becomes discouraged and quits after one month, the increased strength, flexibility, and healing that could have occurred after the second month are lost. Suppose the time commitment required for physical therapy is a concern. In that case, it may be beneficial to plan for physical therapy sessions or to work with a physical therapist to learn exercises that can be done at home with fewer in-office appointments.
  • An undiagnosed medical condition may worsen over time. Suppose a severe underlying medical condition, such as cancer, is causing neck pain but has not been diagnosed. In that case, physical therapy will be ineffective and may result in a dangerous delay in seeking effective treatment.

When to Avoid Neck Pain Physical Therapy

Physical therapy may not help reduce neck pain in some cases and may even worsen the situation. Physical therapy is typically not advised for chronic neck pain if any of the following conditions exist:

There is significant spinal instability. When a vertebral bone is fractured or spinal degeneration causes spinal cord or nerve root compression, the cervical spine may not be stable enough for exercise. Before beginning physical therapy, the spine must be stabilized to prevent further injury.

There is a severe underlying medical problem. If the cause of the neck pain is an infection or a tumor, the underlying cause must be addressed first. For example, if a cancerous tumor is causing neck pain, exercising will not reduce the tumor size, and the problem may worsen.

Other reasons for not recommending physical therapy could include a patient’s body’s inability to tolerate the treatment.

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