Five Ways Physical Therapy Can Help During Pregnancy

Five Ways Physical Therapy Can Help During Pregnancy Dec26th 2023

Many people think of physical therapy as exercises you do after an injury to reduce pain and correct range of motion. However, deliberate movements can also contain injury and enhance mobility and function, particularly during or after limited activity for a complex pregnancy. Physical Therapy during Pregnancy can offer numerous benefits. In this post, we will discuss them in detail.

Physical Therapy for Pregnancy in Michigan, can help prepare their bodies for childbirth by strengthening the muscles they’ll use for delivery. It can also help:

  • Control and alleviate common discomforts such as tailbone, back, and hip pain or carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Strengthen muscle tone, which can deteriorate fast with limited activity.
  • Control or treat postpartum conditions like pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence, and diastasis recti, when the abdominal muscles don’t reconnect like they’re presumed to after Pregnancy.

Is Physical Therapy Safe During Pregnancy?

Yes, prenatal physical Therapy is secure and adequate for relieving pain during Pregnancy. The key is to discover a physical therapist with experience working with pregnant people to direct you through safe exercises during Pregnancy and assist other therapies to ease discomfort. 

Here are five ways Physical Therapy can help During Pregnancy. 

Attending physical Therapy for Pregnancy can pay off in a variety of ways. During your initial consultation, your prenatal physical therapist will examine your concerns with you, develop purposes for Therapy, and create a personalized treatment plan to reach them. Some possible benefits of prenatal physical Therapy include the following.

Back Pain Relief

As explained earlier, back pain during Pregnancy can occur due to changes in posture and the force exerted on the spine. Your growing belly can move your spine out of alignment, leading to shoulder, neck, and back pain. For approximately a third of pregnant people, this discomfort may persist even after their babies are born.

Physical therapists can use spinal manipulation strategies to return your spine to proper alignment and relieve discomfort. They can also direct you through secure exercises to maintain the muscles needed for balance and strength. You can continue performing these exercises at home weekly for improved effectiveness.

Easier Labor and Delivery

Physical therapy sessions during Pregnancy could help train your body for labor and delivery. Physical therapy exercises can improve strength and flexibility, making pushing and laboring easier. In addition, perineal massage administered by a prenatal physical therapist may allow the area between your vagina and anus to stretch more readily. This could decrease the risk of tears occurring during vaginal delivery.

Biofeedback can also assist you when you go into labor. Using electromyography (EMG), physical therapy professionals can decide what position would be most helpful for you to lie in while laboring. This may improve your level of convenience and lessen the need for an epidural, which can prolong labor and pose dangers for health complications.

Shortened Postpartum Recovery

Following the competition, athletes need help to recover from the effects of spending large amounts of energy and making considerable physical demands on their muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints.

A 2019 analysis published in Science Advances discovered that pregnant women who are breastfeeding undergo levels of physical power similar to those that marathon runners experience during a race every day. Labor and delivery are also influential events that you need to heal from. Consequently, just like an athlete, you need support during and after Pregnancy.

Physical therapy can be beneficial for women who are pregnant or have recently given birth. You could compress your recovery time through regular muscle-training exercises, spinal realignment, and mobility and flexibility training.

Enhance Your Sleep

Expecting parents usually anticipate sleepless nights after their babies are born, but many pregnant people are surprised to encounter sleep disturbances during Pregnancy. Overall, an estimated 76% of pregnant people undergo a lack of sleep, inadequate sleep quality, feeling drowsy during the daytime, and waking up repeatedly at night during the first seven months of Pregnancy. By month eight, the majority rises to 84%.

Sleep issues due to Pregnancy can have many causes. One common culprit is a transformation in body shape. With your growing belly, you may struggle to discover a comfortable resting position. This is why healthcare providers often suggest using a wedge pillow behind your back and another pillow between your knees while pregnant.

Physical Therapy can also be precious for managing pregnancy-related sleep issues. Spinal alignments can relieve pressure and assist you in resting in a more comfortable position. Exercise can also allow you to relax and unwind, making you fall asleep more easily.


Physical Therapy for Pregnancy enhances maternal well-being and promotes a healthier gestational journey. Through tailored exercises, education, and targeted interventions, Physical Therapy in Brownstown offers invaluable support, addressing musculoskeletal concerns, managing discomfort, and fostering optimal physical function during Pregnancy. 

This specialized care empowers expecting mothers, relieving common pregnancy-related issues, improving mobility, and ultimately contributing to a smoother, more comfortable pregnancy experience.


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